
A walk along the Bayou: Award winning proposal Aims to Reinvent River Houston

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02 Mile Aerial Perspective - Downtown. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
02 Mile aerial perspective - Downtown. Image courtesy of UH College of Architecture

Nearly 9,000 km of separated Venice, Italy Houston, Texas, and yet the two cities are linked by a simple connection. the coexistence of the urban fabric with the waterfront This connection was brought to life this summer with the exhibition of the University of Houston with Venice Architecture Biennial Space Time Existence event: HABIT RISKY [AT]: DYNAMIC LIVING ON BUFFALO BAYOU. Awarded Global Affairs Art Foundation (GAAF) the best exhibition price, the exhibition presented the complexities and potential of the relationship of the city with its waterfront. To better understand the waterfront Houston and the development of relations between the city and its river, we visited the site ourselves. Read after the break to see what it's talking a walk along the Bayou, and to know what the draft River Houston can learn similar businesses in Chicago, Des Moines, and Newark.

Filter. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture Houston Figure Ground. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture Courtesy of UH College of Architecture Courtesy of UH College of Architecture 50

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A Walk Along the Bayou: An Award-Winning Proposal Aims to Reinvent Houston’s River, 02 Mile Aerial Perspective - Downtown. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
02 Mile aerial perspective - Downtown. Image courtesy UH College of Architecture
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Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
Courtesy UH College of Architecture

the bruised blue-purple clouds rolling through the endless summer sky Houston is reflected on the waters of Bayou under the Rosemont bridge. A simple half-hour earlier, sunlight summer had washed the city heat. The weather in Houston is stormy, intense and fickle, unpredictable element, as explosive growth and development of the fourth largest city in the United States.

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Houston Figure Ground. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
Houston Figure Ground. Image courtesy UH College of Architecture
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Houston Flood Risk. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
Houston Flood Risk. Image courtesy UH College of Architecture

The Buffalo Bayou, however, a winding lazy river peacefully through the city, is a constant in the history , cultural, and geographical landscape of the city. Further west, the stream turns into a path of industrial water, a habitat that suffer the effects of urbanization, pollution, loss of wildlife and aging infrastructure. But the city center, Bayou makes contact with the refreshing nature in a very urban environment. A few drops of water, flood threatening, ricochet the stainless steel frame near a large statue of ten feet of a kneeling man, part of the artist Jaume Plensa tolerance Installation seven sentinel silent Walk Harmony and Rosemont bridge looking beyond the city and the waters below.

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Impermeable Surfaces. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
impermeable surfaces. Image courtesy of UH College of Architecture

Aptly called the Bayou City, the Buffalo Bayou in Houston "Mother Bayou." deeply significant as the origin of the economic and socio-political culture of the city, it has the potential to become the beating heart of Houston. As the first shipping port in the nation, the river was at the forefront of the prosperity and development of Houston, but accompanied the flourishing and rapid economic growth of the city were the darkest consequences. Suburbanization, the celebration of car culture, heavy industrialization, and a large number of factories and refineries resulted in high levels of pollution, and complicates the question of developing a sense of 'identity. Historically, in constant flux, Houston suffered many distinct personalities and characterizations defined by its industry of maritime and rail transport, the discovery of oil processing and the Johnson Space Center. In truth, it is defined by all these things, and more.

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Bayou Farming. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
Bayou Farming. Image courtesy UH College of Architecture

It is this concept of inclusion that drives the pioneering proposals for the future of Houston. This is evident in a number of measures of tolerance sculptures to the belief that the stretch of Buffalo Bayou from Barker Dam to the Gulf of Mexico should be a sensitive integration of man conceived and nature. The city is on the verge of reimagining the future, and the nature of the Bayou is a factor inherent in this recalibration.

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Time Space Exhibit. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
Space Time piece. Image courtesy UH College of Architecture

In Venice Architecture Biennale this year, the University of Houston posted their project HABIT RISKY [AT] : DYNAMIC LIVING ON BUFFALO BAYOU. The project consists of three parts, each designed to meet the development of the river to sequential scales, priority both delicate coastal environment and the quality of urban life. In his statement Curatorial, the head of Peter Jay Zweig project calls for waterline "are not simply natural or artificial, but that is a prosperous interdependent system that has many geological layers, infrastructure, institutions and environmental processes that hold the future of human development. "

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Bayou Collective. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
collective Bayou. Image courtesy UH College of Architecture

The first part, HABIT RISKY operates across 100 miles of Bayou from Barker Dam up the Gulf of Mexico oil platforms, and focuses on the overall experience of life on the bayou. Difficult factors include the imminent collapse of two dams in the city, the rapid deterioration of wetlands, the toxicity of waterways and abandoned oil platforms in the Gulf. HABIT RISKY offers a multifaceted solution that focuses on the beautiful design with the emphasis on scientific innovation

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Waterworks Perspective. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
Waterworks perspective. Image courtesy UH College of Architecture

The second scale RISKY HABITAT, focuses on a 2 mile stretch within the city center Houston, between the central business district and the ship channel, and looking for ways to fill a particular section bisecting the bayou. Neglected warehouses, deteriorating infrastructure and brownfield plots characterize the East End along the edge of the bayou. HABITAT RISKY offers a vision of connectivity, the merger of the divide between the concrete suburban neighborhood and indigenous roots of the district. Nine new pedestrians, cars, and hybrid bridges activate the industrial fabric of the East End with an adjacent park, reviving the natural beauty of forgotten past of the city and opening the way to a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use model sustainable for the future suburbanism.

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Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
Courtesy UH College of Architecture
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Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
Courtesy UH College of Architecture

the final layer of the proposal, live, target 20 feet wide, focusing on the experience of living with facades. This layer addresses the design challenges of working in the volatile climate of Houston. In an area of ​​extreme conditions, the facades must constantly adapt and provide protection against the elements. The project suggests the idea of ​​an intermediate interstitial space between the building and Bayou with modular systems that utilize passive breezes and celebrate panoramic views, while mediation climate threats and fauna.

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Filter. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
filter. Image courtesy of UH College of Architecture

Although only a theoretical exploration, HABIT RISKY [AT] provides clear evidence of the pervasive sense of optimism and the hope of Houston as the city is seriously moving at a complete overhaul of its urban ecological corridor, joining a growing movement of cities rethink the edge of the urban river. Chicago, Des Moines, Newark and offer excellent case studies for the future of the city and the waterfront commitment


one of the most challenging and exciting river projects taking place in the middle of the rhythmic pulse of the center -town historic Chicago: urban Canyon project. Ongoing since the 190s and surrounded by a "sacred canyon of architectural space," the project shows the post-industrial space of the Chicago River to the public, and all offline knitting a piece of infrastructure.

"One of the things that I think cities can learn from this project is that if you can imagine it, you can build it," Gina Ford, Lead Designer at Sasaki Associates , said in the video project underway Chicago Riverwalk.

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Chicago Riverwalk. Image © Flickr user christinielson
Chicago Riverwalk. Image © Flickr user christinielson

The Chicago update Riverwalk will better facilitate interaction between city life and the life of the river giving priority to pedestrian with a continuous path that navigates through five blocks, each designed to celebrate a unique typology river: the Marina, the Cove, theater river, Plaza water and the pier. The project will include restaurants, cafes, an outdoor theater, landscaped pedestrian and bicycle paths, and opportunities for kayaking, fishing and swimming.

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Chicago Riverwalk under construction. Image © Flickr user kgnixer
Chicago Riverwalk construction. Image © Flickr user kgnixer

dense urban fabric of Chicago, along the riverside offers a unique set of challenges and constraints, including trafficking of boating, limited land space to work, infrastructure installation where utilities, tunnels and cables snake navigate two pavement layers, bridges, water taxis, pedestrians and vehicles engine. Since the introduction in 2011 of the goal of Mayor Rahm Emanuel to make the city a better place to live, work and play, a project such as urban canyon brings the promise of a better life, loyalty resident and future investments. As principal Steve Hamwey happily said, "everything can be done."


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The Principal Riverwalk - Des Moines. Image Courtesy of Wallace Robert & Todd
The main Riverwalk - Des Moines. Image courtesy of Robert Wallace & Todd

Des Moines is another city connected to the American world, an energetic and dynamic center for the sector of insurance, and an important site for presidential politics. During the 1980s, however, the city experienced a post-industrial decline, and was forced away from projects from the time of the City Beautiful movement. All that changed in recent years.

cabinet Design Wallace Roberts and Todd (WRT) has led the efforts of the city to recover the river waterfront Des Moines, connecting the city center with surrounding neighborhoods and unite the city through one of its most important civic improvement projects.! Principal Riverwalk

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The Principal Riverwalk - Des Moines. Image Courtesy of Wallace Robert & Todd
The main Riverwalk - Des Moines. Image courtesy of Robert Wallace & Todd

The project aims to attract creative professionals as well as citizens every day, combining attention to important arts opportunities for the public transport and social interaction. With a transit center for bus and tram services, bike and walking trails, a sculptural pumping station and public art, garden design and various works of artists and international architects, the project is designed as a progressive step in moving the city forward responsibly.

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The Principal Riverwalk - Des Moines. Image Courtesy of Wallace Robert & Todd
The main Riverwalk - Des Moines. Image courtesy of Robert Wallace & Todd

The new river connects the urban citizen with water to both improve the quality of life and the host social engagement and interaction and environmental awareness. It has already attracted investment and revitalized economic organizations and existing projects in a kind of rebirth.

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The Principal Riverwalk - Des Moines. Image Courtesy of Wallace Robert & Todd
The main Riverwalk - Des Moines. Image courtesy of Robert Wallace & Todd


Like Moines, urban waterfront project Newark aims to revitalize the city and is strongly influenced by social justice elements. A city regularly dismissed as "dirty kitchen in New York," Newark, like Houston, a city that reflects its past as an industrial power. The Passaic River has provided a base for industry, transport, waste disposal, and water supply, and is one of the busiest ports on the East Coast.

As the first city in the country to engage in a municipal planner in 1917, the urban fabric of Newark shows the progress that followed the urban planning (often interpreted as the lack of it -ci) and visual provides evidence contradictory forces at play in the growth of the city. Damon Rich, Director of Planning and Chief Urban Designer Newark, described the passionate community activism and deep belief in environmental justice, shaped by the concentration of toxic industrial facilities, as central to the culture of the city. In addressing the neglected river on which the city had turned his back, art and design are used to raise awareness on the complex issues of urban processes, injustice, social resources, and community involvement.

identification of the target area provided a major challenge, inevitably highlighting issues of class and economic status were indissoluble urban project. However, the prioritization of the river as a shared social resource has to take creative measures of inclusion and participation of various citizens. The idea of ​​using the proposed Newark Riverfront Park as connective point for the city has fostered pride and ownership in its design. In a conversation with Urban Omnibus, Rich explained: "We try to find stories from different parts of the city to inform our design choices. Sometimes it was as simple as using the same orange for our walk as the color of the school of Weequahic High School, or looking for ways to this place to tell the story of the long struggle to create it. We think very seriously about how identity works in design, how to integrate the particular into the design that binds recognizable manner to the communities of the city. "

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02 Mile Site Matrix. Image Courtesy of UH College of Architecture
02 Mile Matrix website. Image courtesy of UH College of Architecture

It is this inclusive and optimistic idea connectivity, community, and beauty that creates a common denominator between the four cities. While the UH school of architecture hABIT RISKY [AT] project is only a hypothetical design proposal, it coincides with very real movement Houston to the revitalization of Buffalo Bayou. as the city began to gain ground with his project, he can turn to the success and creativity of cities like Newark and Des Moines, and benefit from the enthusiastic and irrepressible attitude of Chicago. There are many examples to learn and draw inspiration from, and the opportunity to encourage the spirit of inclusive and proactive waterfront renewal for future cities as well.

HABIT RISKY [AT]: DYNAMIC LIVING IN oN tHE BUFFALO BAYOU is an exhibition created by Gerald D Hines College of architecture at the University of Houston, in collaboration with the Delft University of technology, University of Buenos Aires, Tulane University. The following people contributed to it:

Conservative + Exhibition Design: Peter Jay Zweig, FAIA
Design Studio Peter Jay Zweig, FAIA (spring 2013, autumn 2013, spring 2014)
leaders studio: Jackson Fox, Lacey Richter, David Regone, Sam Goulas, Wells Barber
Faculty Critics: Tom Colbert, AIA (spring 2013), Michael Rotondi, FAIA, Kulapat Yantrasast
students, University of Houston Jackson Fox, Richter Lacey, Yoelki Amador, Sam Goulas, Joshua Caluag David Regone, Jeffrey Farr, Mustafa Kamil, Vishal Gandhi, Mohammed Gowayed, Erica green, Dawit Rezene Jonathan Mayor, Edgar Rivera, Robert Mazzo, Julian Arango, John Smead, Natalia Sanchez, Chase Stanley, Clinton Marburger, Stephanie Wherry, Wells Barber, Siddhi Patel, Hugo de la Rosa, Victoria Perez, David Velez, Claudia Ponce, Chris Yoon, Aysha Rana
animated :. Joshua Stanton Smith + PJZA
glass Cities by Norwood Viviano. Blown glass
Manufacturing: Eric Arnold + Stephen Gist, U of H. John Rigoni, manufacture of metals
Exposure Funding: UPS, Inc., University of Houston Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Wilsonart International, LLC., A & E Graphics

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