
5 Advantages of Working Abroad in China

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5 Pros of Working Abroad in China, © Florian Delale
© Florian Delale

Have you considered working abroad in China? The thought can be daunting, but there are many reasons why you should take this idea and turn it into a reality. Originally published on Arch shortcuts, here are five reasons to take the jump - like writing Arch-Shortcuts founder Chen Tang, an architect who is currently working in Hong Kong.

1. Projects Bigger

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© Florian Delale
© Florian Delale

Forget to homes and platform extensions! Projects in China consist mainly of major projects and developments - a small project size / average in China would be considered an important project in other countries. You will be more focused on the big picture and design as opposed to the complex details -. Because of the short maturity of a project, which leads to our next point

2. Fast Paced

In most Western countries, it could take up to ten years for a project of departure and arrival. But in China, it is possible to complete a concept and start construction in three months - with the entire opening of the project in less than a year! I have personally worked on two projects of this nature in my 4 years working in China - although they were lower than 10,000sqm size, which is considered low. This is super exciting that you could potentially build a portfolio of work done faster than home. Its extremely gratifying to be on the site of a project you helped shape.

In addition, you are probably mainly working on the competitions. This could mean that you are designing a project from scratch and present to customers in as little as three weeks somtimes. And since you have to leave a week to produce renderings and physical models, you really only 2 weeks to get most of the design done. Working in such an environment can be exhilarating that your team is forced to make sound design decisions quickly. You'd be surprised how fast design can shape itself given a tight deadline.

3. More conceptual

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in general, all the projects you are working on will start from the CD (conceptual model) step through the SD and DD phases (Schematic design and design development). Initially its very likely that you will be involved in more projects CD phase. This means that you can shape the concepts, similar to what you have learned at the university, as opposed to door schedules. To be honest, I was not crazy about the design back to the university, but still, I really enjoy getting involved with the whole design process in a team environment. Brainstorming sessions, doing fancy renderings, models and animations that you can show your friends is super satisfying.

4. More Responsibility

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given the speed of projects and the nature of the Chinese working environments, if you're willing to put your hand over responsibilities, usually your boss or managers will slowly increase the amount of responsibility you on a project - as long as you continue to prove yourself every time. This is obviously not for everyone, but poses a great learning and personal development opportunities. If you want to strengthen, the opportunity is there in most enterprises in China.

5. Personal growth

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© Florian Delale
© Florian Delale

This point is not directly related to architecture but I personally think its the most important factor to work in China or abroad everywhere. I could write a book about my experiences in and outside of work that shaped me significantly. But to make it short: live in an environment and a different culture, where you can not have family or friends (initially) is a big step out of the comfort zone. This pushes you to step up, try new things, understand new perspectives and be more open minded. And the best part is that you'll make a ton of friends along the way!

Chen Tang is the founder of the Ark Shortcuts, a website designed to provide advice and insight the architectural industry for young architects with a focus on China.

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