
How 'vandalize' classic Expose the hypocrisy of Modernist Today

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How 'Vandalizing' a Classic Exposes the Hypocrisy of Today's Modernists, © Xavier Delory
© Xavier Delory

the artist's pictures Xavier Delory show Le Corbusier's famous Villa Sovoye in a shocking state of disrepair. With stones and spray paint, vandals tragically disfigured walls and blank windows. Do not panic: the images shown here are photoshopped. But if they are not? In this article, first published by Metropolis Magazine as " Modernism in Ruins: Artist" vandalize "Le Corbusier Masterpiece ," explores AJ Artemel how our shock and dismay at these images exposes an underlying hypocrisy our reverence for the famous modernist works, and suggested that perhaps modernism and vandalism are more closely related than we thought.

© Xavier Delory © Xavier Delory © Xavier Delory © Xavier Delory 5

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© Xavier Delory
© Xavier Delory


Xavier Delory likes to make fun of the story. His latest project on Modernity Pilgrimage (Pilgrimage to Modernity) is an irreverent look at the direction of modernist masterworks today. The first images of the current series strongly question the role of the Villa Savoye Corbusier modernist historiography, as Delory makes its walls covered with graffiti and broken his famous ribbon windows. It is a fate reminiscent of what happened to suburbs ubiquitous housing projects that modernism of Villa partly inspired.

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© Xavier Delory
© Xavier Delory

Delory present this alternative Villa Savoye with images of his four front facades facing the hypothetical vandalism viewers and a Master of trompe l'oeil Photoshopping. Typical scribbles signatures of aerosols and swear a shark diving and the text of the Five Points of Le Corbusier are also visible. Anonymous vandals threw stones through the windows, leaving some broken, others boarded or covered in plastic. Weather, too, played its role in this fantasy of Ruination-wide limestone tiles chipped and fell from the facade once virgin.

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© Xavier Delory
© Xavier Delory

overall, the provocation is Delory an attack on idolatry of architecture. The shock of his images is perhaps proof that Villa Savoye, as a function icon and utilitarianism, now too often treated as a precious object. In fact, the contemporary state-building virgin, untouched by the ages, is the result of a process of reconstruction and major restoration that began in the 1960s during World War II, the house was first requisitioned by the German army, which was used as a hay barn, and then by the US military. The two heavily damaged, and the villa was actually more of a ruin that even the talented hand Delory could manufacture. (The decomposition of the building featured in a controversial ad of Bernard Tschumi for architecture, to which the draft Delory door affinities.)

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© Xavier Delory
© Xavier Delory

Of course, Le Corbusier was no stranger to vandalism; his holiday Mediterranean was just off I-1027, another modernist icon, designed by Eileen Gray designer and critic Jean Badovici. Le Corbusier would sometimes sneak into the house and vibrant murals naked-Gray casually, quite reasonable, accused of vandalism. It seems that even Le Corbusier could resist the call of the empty architectural canvas created by Modernist white walls. Perhaps the pilgrimage Xavier Delory is simply Corbu give a taste of his own medicine.

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