
How can we hold on to heritage skills?

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How Can We Hold On To Heritage Skills?, © James Taylor-Foster
© James Taylor-Foster

at a time when 1: 1 3D printed buildings are increasingly common in the Netherlands to China, it is important to pause and assess the existing built fabric of our towns and villages. If we want to maintain and preserve, and protect the inherent business steeped in their construction, the importance of feeding and promote these skills should be recognized.

In the UK, the Heritage Skills Hub (MSM) push to see "traditional building skills, conservation, restoration and responsible modernization" included in all during the public built environment. in a recent conversation with Cathie Clarke, CEO of SAS, we discussed the obstacles faced by an organization dedicated to the preservation and teaching skills such as stone carving, thatching roof, glass manufacturing, traditional brick building to a new generation.

According to Cathie, "in the UK, professional careers (especially construction) are still often considered a lowly occupation and only for those who can not do anything else. Previously, the artisans have given a very high status. for their skills and expertise regarding traditional building skills, craftsmanship and care of old buildings is concerned, there is a huge lack of knowledge and understanding held by custodians of traditional building aujourd 'hui - whether owners or those responsible for working on them. This is hardly surprising that traditional building materials, skills and techniques were regularly dropped courses since the wars and were completely neglected for many years. "She argues that" programs pressures and financing, development of new materials and construction techniques and the lack of understanding of how they interact with the old buildings have been responsible. "

work to try to remedy this problem has been active since 02 when English Heritage, an organization dedicated to defending the historical places in England, joined forces with the Construction Industry training Board (CITB) to create the National Heritage training Group. "Their goal was to fully investigate the extent of the problem regarding the skilled craftsmen and create new qualifications and certification systems to" qualify the workforce. "

Although the 05 research reports, 08 and 2013 all recognize that there is a lack of specialists, skilled craftsmen and professional to work on old buildings, Cathie concern lies in the fact that "the majority of people who carry out works are unaware that they are doing something wrong and believe they are fully trained or qualified to do the"

"in postwar Britain, the lack of preservation, repair and restoration of school. - as well as traditional training in construction skills into mainstream education - . gave rise to modern materials and practices in all areas, even to some extent on buildings that are protected that has led to widespread damage that is perpetuated by the continued lack of training and exacerbated by economic constraints. "

Recognizing that the construction industry is rapidly accelerating arena for the cost, time and material efficiency, it is important to remember that, in the United Kingdom at least, "20% of the housing stock was built before the war." for Cathie, "there is an urgent need to improve education to reverse and prevent further damage to older buildings through the use techniques and unsuitable materials. " It argues that, if treated properly, these construction methods are "intrinsically sustainable" and play an important social and economic role by "defining the nature and the local heritage and providing a unique sense of place for the community."

Heritage Brick Live Site Training. Image © Cathie Clarke / Heritage Skills Hub © James Taylor-Foster Stone restoration. Image © James Taylor-Foster Teaching the craft of stonemasonry. Image © Cathie Clarke / Heritage Skills Hub 5

Find out more about the UK based Hub heritage skills here or watch a recent Mies. interview in the UK with the architect Roger Stephenson Mancunian about "Using Craft contemporary way" here.

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